Category Archives: Podcast Episode

E17 – Robotech Conclusion

Finishing the Robotech saga(s that were broadcast on Toonami), Michael and Peter find the “ending” leaving something to be desired.  Meanwhile, Peter compares the Masters Saga to Human Centipede, and Michael decides to stick a pin in Peter’s eye regarding the next one-off.

Next week: Tenchi Muyo!

E16 – Robotech Part 4

Starting off on a new leg of the Robotech universe, Michael and Peter find the Masters Saga to be oddly charming.  Meanwhile, Michael complains about gratuitous anime nudity, and Peter comments on the strange design of TOM 4.0.

Next week: Robotech episodes 49-60

E15 – Robotech Part 3

Michael and Peter finally start seeing the signs of the attempt to meld Robotech together out of three different series, and… it isn’t pretty.  Peter tries to explain the unique frustration with watching a bad adaptation of something you enjoyed, while Michael wonders what could have been, had neither known about Robotech’s unique origins.

Next week: Robotech episodes 37-48

E14 – Robotech Part 2

In the second block of Robotech, Michael continues to dislike the main characters and complains about villain decay.  Meanwhile, Peter discusses the bizarre death of Roy Fokker (spoilers, I guess?).

Next week: Robotech episodes 25-36

E13 – Robotech Part 1

Taking a trip back further than usual, in this episode we discuss Robotech, a series with a strange history.  Michael confuses Roy and Rick, Peter quibbles about small changes, and both speculate on how melding three series that don’t share canon into one could possibly work out.

Next week: Robotech episodes 13-24

E12 – Batman and Mr. Freeze: SubZero

While discussing Batman’s second animated feature, Peter comes up with the best movie idea ever.  Meanwhile, Michael wonders if Batman’s backstory needs to be explained, and the two go off book for a moment to discuss the acting chops of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Next week: Robotech episodes 1-12.

E11 – Ronin Warriors Conclusion

In the final block of Ronin Warriors, Michael feels the finale could have been better, Peter laments that he has no reason to say “Ronin Warriorsh” anymore, and both try to determine the episodes worth watching before it suddenly gets good around episode 20.

Next week: Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero

E09 – Ronin Warriors Part 2

On the second leg of their 4-part series watch of Ronin Warriors, Michael and Peter begin to question why they thought this series would deliver in the first place.

E08 – Ronin Warriors Part 1

Michael and Peter begin their journey into the Nether Realm as they begin watching Ronin Warriors.  Meanwhile, the two try to determine why they barely remember this show existing, Michael rants about his stolen laptop, and Peter does a spot-on Talpa impression.