Category Archives: Sailor Moon

E39 – Sailor Moon Part 3

All of the Sailor Scouts are finally assembled! Only took, what, 2/3 of the series?

Serena officially becomes the leader of the Sailor Scouts, and the choice is immediately suspect. Meanwhile, Michael has a startling vision of Serena’s possible future, Peter gushes about an episode starring Melvin, and both hosts theorize on how the series will end.

Also included: candid photos, which Sailor Scout we identify with, Sonic comparisons

Next week: Sailor Moon episodes 31-40

E38 – Sailor Moon Part 2

When Nephrite hits the scene, everything changes. Mostly for the better, some… not so much.

Sailor Moon gets astronomically better, as new villains are introduced, monsters of the week become goofier, and Luna becomes less of a scold. Meanwhile, Peter discusses the new episode formula, Michael is made uncomfortable by some employed tropes, and both rave about an episode with a subplot about date shadowing.

Also included: another addition to the “non-scary animals made threatening” list, why Nephrite’s better than Jedite, Serena stuck in a tennis ball

Next week: Sailor Moon episodes 21-30

[NOTE: at 42:33, we have a brief discussion about abuse narratives as they relate to Nephrite and Molly in this block. It is also marked as a chapter, “Abuse Narratives re: Nephrite and Molly”. If you may find this content distressing, please skip ahead to 49:34, or the chapter labelled “Bet”. Thank you for listening.]

E37 – Sailor Moon Part 1

Sailor Scouts, assemble! Well, just three of you so far, I guess.

Sailor Moon starts off with lectures and ends with a boring action scene involving grounded airplanes. What’s not to love? Meanwhile, Peter wonders what a computer contest is and how it could be won, Michael bitches about Luna, the Scouts’ cat advisor/wet blanket, and both contemplate the possibility that this show won’t get any more enjoyable.

Also included: Over the top Jersey accents, elemental superpowers, fully animated Space Jam, the elegant simplicity of Power Rangers

Next week: Sailor Moon episodes 11-20