Category Archives: Yu Yu Hakusho

E128 – Yu Yu Hakusho Part 6

Somebody please tell us what Kuwabara’s new jacket says, because I think I’ve found my new cosplay.

The Dark Tournament ends with some interesting fights and a couple of decisions that are interesting in a less positive way. Meanwhile, Michael complains about the thing you’d expect him to, Peter praises some of the messaging of the show, and both hosts struggle to explain Young Toguro’s appearance at 100% power.

Also included: an anime trash-talking masterclass, the tournament committee stupidly interferes yet again, Shizuru’s odd choice of romantic interest

Outlaw Star Part 1 will release November 11

E127 – Yu Yu Hakusho Part 5

Will Yusuke manage to absorb Genkai’s power, or will he just scream in a cave for five episodes? Turns out it’s both!

Team Urameshi faces off against a well-equipped team of evil versions of Japanese folk heroes in the semifinal round of the Dark Tournament. Meanwhile, Michael appreciates a specific reversed folktale, Peter is a little uncomfortable at Genkai’s choice of insults, and both hosts remain baffled by the choice to make Koto and Juri sound nearly identical.

Also included: a childhood movie that terrified Peter, Shishi Wakamaru’s demon fangirls, the inevitable result of Sakyo’s plan

Yu Yu Hakusho Part 6 will release October 28

E126 – Yu Yu Hakusho Part 4

There’s a guy who evaporates his sweat into mist to provide cover for his attacks!

Team Urameshi battles on, with the tournament committee screwing them over at every turn. Guess that’s what you get when you enter a tournament filled with demons and rich crooks.

Meanwhile, Michael discovers another trope he doesn’t like very much, Peter argues for the merits of tournament arcs, and both hosts wonder who this mysterious masked fighter is.

Also included: comparing characters to Pokemon, chin goblins, what’s the deal with Puu?

Yu Yu Hakusho Part 4 will release October 14th

E125 – Yu Yu Hakusho Part 3

Hey Yusuke, those brothers you fought against and just barely beat? They’re still alive, and they weren’t even really trying.

Yusuke and his fellow delinquents unwillingly enter a tournament full of demons. Meanwhile, Michael can’t stop talking about Transformers, Peter appreciates the delinquent charm, and both hosts praise the cheesy ’90s charm.

Also included: format changes, numerous comparisons to Dragon Ball Z, a startling revelation about the transforming Toguro, who is that masked fighter?

Yu Yu Hakusho Part 4 will release September 30th

E76 – Yu Yu Hakusho Part 2

Yusuke and his friends continue solving crimes and spitting rhymes. Except the rhymes part.

After six months of training with Genkai, Yusuke is back, ready to take on his next mission. Meanwhile, Michael feels the show is playing a trick on him, Peter thinks the final battle with Suzaku may have taken a little long, and both hosts further come to grips with the fact that Dragon Ball Z wasn’t a very good show after all.

Also included: Death of Superman, Terminator Apparition, Michael’s scarring experiences.

Pokemon: Indigo League Grab Bag will release October 24

E75 – Yu Yu Hakusho Part 1

Sometimes the one good deed you do in your life gets you killed.

For Yusuke Urameshi, death is just the beginning of a fantastical journey that will eventually return him to earth with cool powers. Meanwhile, Michael takes issue with some problematic jokes, Peter appreciates the impact of the violence, and both hosts agree that Kuwabara is the best character.

Also included: a new product that takes all the guesswork out of soul-stealing, an over-involved demon backstory, the world Kuwabara lives in.

Yu Yu Hakusho Part 2 will release on October 10th