Tag Archives: Podcast

E32 – The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest Part 2

Jonny and friends just keep trusting the wrong people. Also, sometimes monsters.

Both hosts begin to pick up on the formula of this show, and the cracks begin to appear. Meanwhile, Michael is irritated by Quest team’s seeming lack of struggle, and Peter talks about Medusa.

Also included: Scooby-Doo on Monster Island, whale internet skepticism, the forged Declaration of Independence, and being attacked by Air Buddies.

Next week: closing out The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest season 1, season 2 episodes 1-6

E31 – The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest Part 1

Jonny thinks to solve one problem by creating a way bigger one, Hadji doles out aphorisms (but hey, no Sim Sim Salabim!), and Jessie is surprisingly badass.

Meanwhile, Michael forgets the Home For Infinite Losers as well as revealing yet another trope pet peeve, Peter doubts the historical accuracy of Indiana Jones, and both shudder at the A E S T H E T I C S of QuestWorld.

Also included: the QuestWorld Reversal, racism in kid’s shows, and did we watch Moltar without remembering it?

Next week: The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest episodes 11-20

E30 – Super Friends

Wonder Nerd Powers, activate! In the first of our “Grab Bag” episodes, we discuss the Hanna-Barbera classic, Super Friends, and learn the origin of Lex Luthor’s undying hatred for the Man of Steel.

Meanwhile, Peter references a character from a show Michael doesn’t believe exists, Michael chuckles at superheroes doing normal, everyday things, and both hosts find the Wonder Twins to be an endless source of amusement.

Also included: an explanation of the reasoning behind limiting Super Friends to a single podcast episode, Hanna-Barbera is the only company that rips itself off, and giant basketball.

Next week: The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest episodes 1-10

[NOTE: There is a bit of an audio glitch on Peter’s audio around 00:38:45 that we didn’t catch until editing. Our apologies.]

Gundam Wing

(REPOST) E03 – Gundam Wing Part 2

[NOTE: This is a re-upload of a previously posted episode, with correctly calibrated audio. Super Friends will be up July 5, 15:00 PST as per the usual release schedule]

On the second leg of their 5-Part Gundam Wing retrospective, Michael and Peter discuss Michael’s attempts to play the Gundam trading card game, and wonder what Lady Une’s problem is.


E29 – ReBoot Conclusion

Mainframe hears the Word, old Bob returns to steal Dot, Hexadecimal gets another redesign, and Ray Tracer loses his voice.

Meanwhile, Michael compares Young Enzo to Jennifer Parker (of Back to the Future), Peter laments the unresolved cliffhanger ending, and both pitch a theoretical themed Simpsons episode.

Also included: Baptist Mike TV, Dot’s Choice, and a clarification of the distinction between the Net and the Web.

Next week: Super Friends selection

Gundam Wing

(REPOST) E02 – Gundam Wing Part 1

[NOTE: This is a re-upload of a previously posted episode, with correctly calibrated audio. ReBoot Part 5 will be up June 28, 15:00 PST as per the usual release schedule]

In this episode, Michael and Peter embark on the first leg of their 5-part odyssey of rewatching Gundam Wing.


E28 – ReBoot Part 4

ReBoot takes entirely too long to show that Bob is back, the final showdown with Megabyte takes place, Hex gets a new mask, and the show hits the reset button.

Meanwhile, Michael continuously harps on the absurdity of removing two characters from an ensemble cast and expecting them to carry the show by themselves, Peter accidentally theorizes some probable creepy ReBoot fanfiction, and both lament the loss of Megabyte.

Also included: pregnant binomes, faster than light travel in Warhammer 40k, and a musical retelling of the plot of ReBoot.

Next week: ReBoot season 4


E27 – ReBoot Part 3

Enzo becomes a badass, the Guardians turn evil, and Frisket is… pretty much the same as always. It’s ReBoot season 3!

Meanwhile, Michael compares grown up Enzo (matrix)’s character design to Lobo and defines the Yuli-Grayson scale of kid sidekick irritation, Peter rants about an episode featuring a graveyard of badly-designed superhero characters, and both theorize on why the post-timeskip episodes miss the mark.

Also included: talking once again about Burger King Kid’s Club, horrifying driver’s ed videos, and Jason Voorhees and the Argonauts.

Next episode: ReBoot season 3, episodes 9-16


E26 – ReBoot Part 2

Nothing like a season-ending cliffhanger to cancel a series on.

ReBoot’s sudden leap in quality makes Michael wonder if there’s a sort of Stockholm Syndrome attached to watching some of these shows, Peter questions what a zoot suit is, and both hosts struggle to come up with synonyms for “creepy.”

Also included: reminiscing about a failed Deep Space 9 podcast, Enzo reveals his tragic backstory, and comparing the Megabyte truck from “Bad Bob” to Maximum Overdrive.

Next week: ReBoot season 3, episodes 1-8


E25 – ReBoot Part 1

ReBoot.  The Holy Grail of dated CGI cartoons.

In this episode, we introduce the possibility of rebooting our podcast, Peter talks about taking family beach vacations and watching ReBoot recorded on VHS instead of enjoying the beach, and Michael discovers another pet peeve about shows for children.

Also included: discussing canned sound effects that annoy us, the aging process of CGI, and the suggestion that Hexadecimal is a more iconic villain than the Joker.

Next week: ReBoot season 2