E63 – Cartoon Roulette Grab Bag

A crazy selection of old cartoons provides a few surprises, and some interesting history.

Meanwhile, Michael delves into the history of Fleischer studios, Peter compares watching Hanna-Barbara cartoons to crawling through a desert without water, and both hosts get excited about Superman.

Also included: the absurd difference between the Fleischer Superman shorts and Hanna-Barbara cartoons, cartoon animal sidekicks, the uncertainty of what played on Cartoon Roulette.

Next week: Minisode 7

Transformers: Beast Wars Part 1 will release on April 25th

NOTE: Michael erroneously claims that the Tom & Jerry shorts had budgets of around $350,000. They actually had budgets closer to $35,000.

MS06 – Zaku II

In this week’s minisode, Michael and Peter discuss the anxiety of showing someone a piece of media you really like, as well as the difficulty of actually recommending shows like Tenchi in Tokyo in real life.

If you’d like to submit a topic for discussion, a letter, or a memory you have of Toonami, you can contact us at hyperspacebroadcastspod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter @HBpod and Facebook at Facebook.com/HBpod. We look forward to hearing from you!

Next week: Cartoon Roulette Grab Bag

E62 – Tenchi in Tokyo Conclusion

When Tenchi finally tells everyone to get lost, they… do. Alright, we didn’t see that coming.

Ryoko reclaims her title of space pirate, Kiyone and Mihoshi rise through the ranks of the Galaxy Police, and Ayeka traps Nobuyuki outside his own house. Meanwhile, Michael attempts to explain Tenchi in Tokyo as a deconstruction of “harem” anime tropes, Peter is displeased by the design of Tenchi’s new sword, and both hosts appreciate the primary villain.

Also included: brainstorming new names for the “harem” genre, changing the topic by shouting “party!”, preferred wacky portions.

Next week: Minisode 6

Cartoon Roulette will release on April 11

MS05 – Gundam Rock & Media Diets

Apparently Andrew WK made an album of Gundam music for the franchise’s 30th anniversary. This spurs some Andrew WK related memories, and a discussion of our recent media diets.

Here Comes Char AMV:

If you’d like to submit a topic for discussion, a letter, or a memory you have of Toonami, you can contact us at hyperspacebroadcastspod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter @HBpod and Facebook at Facebook.com/HBpod. We look forward to hearing from you!

Next week: Tenchi in Tokyo Part 2

E61 – Tenchi in Tokyo Part 1

We’re back to Tenchi, but Tenchi’s trying to get away from everyone.

This week, Tenchi meets a new girl who immediately falls in love with him. Meanwhile, Michael recalls a specific episode from his childhood, Peter tries to describe an indescribable villain design, and both hosts wonder if Sakuya even exists outside of Tenchi’s eyeline.

Also included: the Platonic Ideal of cuteness, weirdness of “Harem” as a genre description, Ai Tenchi Muyo!: worth it or not?

Next week: Minisode 5

Tenchi in Tokyo Part 2 will release March 28.

MS04 – ReBoot: The ReBoot Reboot

We’re informed that ReBoot: The Guardian Code has a full trailer, and watching it spurs a discussion of Toonami remakes, shows we’d like to see remade, and wondering aloud why ReBoot was chosen as the recipient of a reboot in the first place.

Thanks to douglas (@pizzaspirit) for bringing the Guardian Code trailer to our attention!

If you’d like to submit a topic for discussion, a letter, or a memory you have of Toonami, you can contact us at hyperspacebroadcastspod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter @HBpod and Facebook at Facebook.com/HBpod. We look forward to hearing from you!

Next week: Tenchi in Tokyo Part 1

E60 – Thundercats Grab Bag

A bunch of cat-people crash land on a planet, and soon find themselves fighting an ancient mummy. Only in the ’80s.

This week, our hosts discuss Thundercats, and their patience for Snarfer wears thin. Meanwhile, Michael reflects on moral certainty, Peter gets a headache, and both hosts sympathize with an evil mummy.

Also included: Todd McFarlane’s charisma, modulated voices, Thundercat funerals.

Next week: Minisode 4.

Tenchi in Tokyo Part 1 will release March 14.

MS03 – Sunkist and The Spirits Within

This week, Michael and Peter run through a list of a number of Toonami Sweepstakes, and are reminded of the artifacts of the 90s that are sadly (and perhaps justifiably) forgotten. Also, Michael brings up his Dragon Ball Z themed birthday party.

If you’d like to submit a topic for discussion, a letter, or a memory you have of Toonami, you can contact us at hyperspacebroadcastspod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter @HBpod and Facebook at Facebook.com/HBpod. We look forward to hearing from you!

Next week: Thundercats Grab Bag

E59 – Sailor Moon R Conclusion


Time travel, internecine villain struggles, and heroes-turned-bad set “The Lost Episodes” apart from the rest of Sailor Moon R, but maybe not far enough apart. Meanwhile, Michael signs Wiseman’s praises, Peter appreciates another animal-focused episode, and both hosts share a laugh about New Year’s Evil.

Also included: The Ultimate Life Form, Serena’s driver’s ed, and badass future Rini.

Next week: Minisode 3, where we discuss an audience submitted topic.

Thundercats Grab Bag will release on Feb. 28.

MS02 – Gundam Build… Divers?

In our second minisode, we briefly discuss the history of a strange artifact of anime’s slow transition to the US, as well as an exciting announcement from Sunrise, the studio behind Gundam.

Next week: Sailor Moon R: The Lost Episodes